Can Scoliosis Get Better?

When you or someone in your family are diagnosed with scoliosis, it’s normal to wonder if the condition will simply get better on its own. No one wants to go through a potentially arduous treatment for an illness that will eventually resolve itself once things have taken their course. Unfortunately, scoliosis does not usually get better on its own. Very minor spinal curves may improve with time, but this is very rare and only happens in the mildest cases of scoliosis. In fact, when left without treatment, large scoliosis curves tend to progress further, getting worse and worse until they’re causing potentially life-threatening problems. The most severe scoliosis curvatures can lead to restricted cardiovascular and respiratory movement.

What can I do to stop my scoliosis getting worse?

You can prevent your scoliosis from getting worse by seeking treatment from your GP. They will usually refer you to a hospital, and the medical professionals there may recommend bracing, physiotherapy, surgery, or any combination of these. When you are diagnosed at a young age, it is typically recommended to wear a back brace until your body has finished growing. The brace will help to prevent the scoliosis curve from progressing any further as you grow. When diagnosed with scoliosis as an adult, physiotherapy and surgery are the most commonly-recommended treatment routes. Only the most severe cases of scoliosis (40-50° and over) require surgical intervention. Typically, the procedure used is spinal fusion surgery, which involves attaching rods, hooks, wires or screws to the curved part of the spine in order to help straighten the spine over time. A bone graft is then used to ‘fuse’ the spine into the correct position.

How can physiotherapy help with scoliosis?

Here at Scoliosis SOS, we offer specialised physiotherapy courses for those with scoliosis and other spinal/postural problems. We find that many of our patients do not want to undergo the painful process of surgery and would prefer to follow a physiotherapy treatment plan to help improve their scoliosis. There are a variety of different non-surgical methods that can be used to help reduce the curvature of the spine – here are just a few of the techniques we use to combat scoliosis:
  • Schroth method – This method, developed by Katharina Schroth, was introduced in 1921 and has been used ever since. It comprises a series of stretches and exercises that combat the symptoms of scoliosis.
  • FITS Method – With an individually-adjusted programme for each patient, this method uses posture patterns to help improve scoliosis.
  • Taping – Kinesio tape is sometimes used to help promote correct muscle movements, which can help reduce the pain caused by scoliosis.
  • Hydrotherapy – Hydrotherapy is a great way to treat certain symptoms of scoliosis without the strain of doing exercises on dry land.
Visit our ScolioGold method page to read about all the techniques we use to treat scoliosis here at the clinic. Get in touch with Scoliosis SOS today to arrange a consultation and find out more about our treatment courses.